With 4 small children (Clinton 10, Jack 8, Donnie 5 and Maddie 2), I am left with no choice to save where ever possible. In the past, I thought I was doing a decent job in saving money through coupons, sales and bargain hunting. However, I had no idea if I was making any progress or just wasting my time. Let's take the experiences in the past and learn from them.
What inspired (or should I say forced) me to take a different approach in my shopping habits? First, my ongoing desire of wanting more for my money. Second, my husband not giving me access to our finances and spending resourses. Now ladies, don't get yourself in a tizzy. This has been the best thing for our finances and reaching our goal to buy a house. Later I can tell you the story of how a past accounting professional (ME) could manage large companies' books but couldn't do the same for herself and family.
So how does one shop with limited access to money and obtain the necessary products for the household and family? Be creative and plan. I have learned in the short time of my venture, that this takes a lot of time. But benefits out weigh the time spent. In one week alone of trackable savings, I have saved over $125 being 53% of the regular prices. Does this sound impressive to you? Here is another tidbit, these figures is from the FIRST WEEK I started changing my shopping habits. My goal is to be one of those people that can leave a store and not have to spend out-of-pocket money or close to it.
In the short time I have been doing this, I feel a sense of accomplishment and contribution financially. My husband and older boys are amazed with what I buy and little I spend. I am excited about this and enthusiastic to share my journey with all of you. I hope we can learn from each other through comments, questions and shared experiences.